Clean Desk Policy

A clean desk policy is an important tool to ensure that all sensitive/confidential materials are removed from an end user workspace and locked away when the items are not in use or an employee leaves his/her workstation. It is one of the top strategies to utilize when trying to reduce the risk of security breaches in the workplace. Such a policy can also increase employee’s awareness about protecting sensitive information.


The purpose for this policy is to establish the minimum requirements for maintaining a “clean desk” – where sensitive/critical information about our employees, our intellectual property, our customers and our vendors is secure in locked areas and out of sight. A Clean Desk policy is part of standard basic privacy controls.


This policy applies to all CodeBee's employees and affiliates.


  • Employees are required to ensure that all sensitive/confidential information in hardcopy or electronic form is secure in their work area at the end of the day and when they are expected to be gone for an extended period.
  • Any Restricted or Sensitive information must be removed from the desk and locked in a drawer when the desk is unoccupied and at the end of the work day.
  • Keys used for access to Restricted or Sensitive information must not be left at an unattended desk.
  • Passwords may not be written down.
  • Printouts containing Restricted or Sensitive information should be immediately removed from the printer.
  • Upon disposal Restricted and/or Sensitive documents should be shredded in the official shredder bins or placed in the lock confidential disposal bins.
  • Whiteboards containing Restricted and/or Sensitive information should be erased.
  • All printers and fax machines should be cleared of papers as soon as they are printed; this helps ensure that sensitive documents are not left in printer trays for the wrong person to pick up.

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